Now available for ARM Macs!

Movie Bomba Thumbnail Yet another Bomba Thumbnail Even yet another Bomba Thumbnail Really, another Bomba Thumbnail? And yes, a Bomba Thumbnail

Bomba is a re-imagined version of the classic arcade game Jezzball. Featuring a perfect blend of arcade action with a hint of strategy, Bomba challenges the player to isolate a variety of balls to 20% of the game area. As the player progresses through the game's levels, they are introduced to new types of balls. Each of these exhibits its own unique behavior, challenging the player to strategically isolate and confine them. Powerups and multipliers also appear throughout the game. While helping the player score points, these often disrupt the carefully planned confinement technique that the player has chosen for a specific stage. Fans of the popular Ambrosia game Barrack are sure to enjoy this recreation. Bomba is guaranteed to provide an entertaining challenge for both proficient gamers and causal players alike.

Download Bomba 1.3 for ARM-Based Macs